Near-Miss Johnson solids

For general discussion of polyhedra, not necessarily Stella-specific.
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Near-Miss Johnson solids

Post by Wagyx » Fri Aug 02, 2024 7:06 pm

Hello there,

I have made a web page about near miss Johnson solids where I am collecting models made by people across the internet.
The models are displayed in interactive windows and the corresponding files can be downloaded.
I have already included the ones available in Stella as well as from other sources for a total of 161 (still rising).

If you happen to know others or if you made some yourself, please let me know. I will add them to the website.
The conditions are for the solid to be convex, for the faces to be planar and for the edge ratio (max to min edge length) to be below 1.1.
These are not strict criteria though as the category itself is not very well defined.

Thank you very much,

PS: if you were impressed by the interactive gallery and would like to display your own polyhedra on your website, the code for it is available here. It handles OFF file from Stella.

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