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Longest time (multiple attempts) you spent on a board

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:15 pm
by Bbaass_TMH
Since I've been trying to beat all difficulties and subdivision of the Half-Truncated Truncated Icosahredon, I have had to do many attempts to beat some of them.
Just now I beat it on Insane difficulty, subdivision 4.
I had been trying to do that for almost 2 months now, getting within a few mines left before I had to guess and guessed wrong.

Does anyone else ever spent weeks or months attempting to beat a single board?

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:07 am
by robertw
If you only have a few mines left, here's a tip. You can solve the board by either uncovering all the safe tiles, OR by flagging all the mines. So at the end, rather than guessing which tile to reveal, try flagging the different possible combinations of mines until you get it.


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 12:28 am
by dbwoerner
Don't you mean "expert"? I have been working on "insane" for awhile and finally broke through and beat your time! It appears that you beat my time on "expert" on the same day - how crazy is that! I was surprised that my number of records didn't go up when I submitted it B^)
