Display single cell

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Display single cell

Post by AngusB » Sun Dec 04, 2022 6:01 pm

Is it possible to display just a single copy of a stellation cell? I wish to 3D print individual cells and build up stellations, sometimes using clear resin, so that, for example, I can show the original polyhedron inside a hollow stellation.

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Re: Display single cell

Post by robertw » Mon Dec 05, 2022 4:36 am

I'm afraid it's not possible at the moment. I actually wanted to be able to do that, but it turned out to be quite difficult, since it knows about stellations in a symmetric way, and recognising what made up a single cell, breaking that symmetry, turned out to be a challenge. Would still like to be able to provide that though some day.

As a workaround, you could enable just that cell in the Stellatioon View, and then convert this to be the new base model (hit the left-and-down button in the top right corner of the Stellation View). If the cells aren't touching each other, you can select the face of one and hit Ctrl+K (or from the mneu "Poly->Keep One Part of Compound") to keep that one part and delete the rest.

If the cells are touching, you probably need to use faceting mode or something to try to split them apart.

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Re: Display single cell

Post by AngusB » Mon Dec 05, 2022 3:30 pm

Thanks Robert,

I'll have a play with it and see what I can do. Although I've had Stella 4D for quite a while I've only just started using it. I'll post again when I have some success (or otherwise).

I'm also planning to 3D print dice in various configurations, starting with rhombic dodecahedron D12s. I've had to transport the Stella file into Microsoft's 3D builder to create the dice. I am looking forward to the arrival of the printer (due in January) to start producing the projects I have plannrd.


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