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Category 30 and organization of uniform polychora

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 4:49 am
by Mulliganaceous
Hey Robert Webb. Mulliganaceous here.

It is impressive that a large regiment of uniforms have been discovered over the past few years. I am suggesting if you can release a minor update, which features the 30 categories. Also, Category 26 is missing (technically, misplaced) and Category 20 has been updated.

I am also hoping that you are able to provide a Mac and Linux version of Stella. I am now a fulltime Linux user.


Samaria Mulligan

Re: Category 30 and organization of uniform polychora

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 5:29 am
by robertw
If someone can provide .stel files for all the new vertex figures, along with their numbers, names and categories, that would help. Have the new discoveries settled down now?

Alas the way Stella was written makes it hard to port to Mac or linux. I've looked into it, but it's probably too much work. Many people have asked (especially about Mac), and there's an answer about it in the FAQ. Some people have had success using a Windows emulator on other platforms.