Unable to export tour as video

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Unable to export tour as video

Post by melograno » Thu Apr 14, 2022 8:02 pm

Hi all,

I have gone thoroughly through FAQ and through this forum, but did not find the solution to the problem: every time I want to export the tour, all it does is exporting the image that is being displayed at that moment, be it dodecahedron, octahedron or else.

I am desperate!

Thanks whoever is going to help.

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Re: Unable to export tour as video

Post by robertw » Sun Apr 17, 2022 6:36 am

Some things to check:
  • Choose a format:
    • AVI - always video
    • GIF - must also tick "Export animated GIF"
    • Other image formats - these don't support video, but you can tick "Export animation (image sequence)" to export multiple images for each frame
  • Also tick "Export current tour" if you want to render a tour. Will be greyed out unless a video format has been chosen
  • If you export an animated GIF, many image viewers will still display it as a single frozen image. Try dragging it into your web browser to see it animated

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Re: Unable to export tour as video

Post by melograno » Wed Apr 20, 2022 8:17 pm

Thank you Robert for your assistance.
It did not work out. I have attached files for you to see which kind of procedure I do. I export it and it has extension /avi, but it does not play. I tried with VCL and movies&tv in Microsoft.

Hope you can help.
Thanks a lot


avi.JPG (10.72 KiB) Viewed 23294 times

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Re: Unable to export tour as video

Post by melograno » Wed Apr 20, 2022 8:29 pm

I tried to compress the file and got this:
Compressed.JPG (17.67 KiB) Viewed 23294 times

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Re: Unable to export tour as video

Post by robertw » Thu Apr 21, 2022 12:31 pm

I just tried exporting an uncompressed AVI and I was able to play it with VLC. It gave an error: "Unidentified codec:
VLC could not identify the audio or video codec", but still played it anyway. The error may have been because there was no audio stream?

If memory serves, I think at some point Windows stopped including AVI codecs by default, so you may have to download and install them separately in order to play AVIs properly. But I think VLC has its own codecs so it should still be able to play them anyway.

So I'm not sure what to suggest. If anyone else is reading this, I'd be interested to hear whether you can play AVIs exported from Stella.

You might also want to try using a more standard video size, such as 1920x1080. Some video codecs only support certain sizes. You could also try using a program like Handbrake to convert the AVI to another format, but this will only work if Handbrake is able to read the video, which it may not if even VLC isn't working. Or you could export as a series of separate images and use another program to convert them to a video (not sure if Handbrake might do that for you).

A future version of Stella will export videos differently and support a much wider range of formats. AVI is no longer the standard it once was. But that will likely be quite a while off.

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Re: Unable to export tour as video

Post by melograno » Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:09 pm

Txs Robert.

This is what I get from Vlc.

When updated version of Stella will come out, that will be able to export tours?

vlc.JPG (29.99 KiB) Viewed 23284 times

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Re: Unable to export tour as video

Post by robertw » Sun Apr 24, 2022 9:16 am

Hi again,

So I think what happened is that when Windows 10 came out, it no longer included codecs for many video formats, and Stella relied on those to create videos. Microsoft basically broke their own APIs retrospectively.

You can download codec packs though, and that should bring back the functionality. You could try the following for example:


After installing the codecs, you'd have to export them from Stella again, because I think the issue is the rendering not the playback. I'm surprised it doesn't report an error when rendering though.

Let me know if this helps. I'll add something to the FAQ if it does.

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Re: Unable to export tour as video

Post by melograno » Sun Apr 24, 2022 11:39 am

Thank you Robert.
It's ok, I will wait for the new version of Stella. In the meantime I will simply film the tour with my mobile.
Cheers :)

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Re: Unable to export tour as video

Post by robertw » Mon Apr 25, 2022 7:48 am

You may be waiting a long time for the next Stella. It will happen, but there's a lot of loose ends to tie up, and I've been working on other things lately. No idea how long it will be.

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Re: Unable to export tour as video

Post by melograno » Mon Apr 25, 2022 9:19 am

Hi Robert,

I've found better solution! I created power point presentation and save it once as mpeg4 and second one as wmv, and it works! And the files are much lighter.
The only thing which I did not get with this conversion, is the rotation of the shape, as when I make a tour than I put the shape in motion. I'll play a little bit with power point, maybe I find the solution.
Thank you again for your amazing work Robert, it is much appreciated!!!!!

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