Curved Shapes

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Curved Shapes

Post by ndl » Sun Feb 17, 2019 4:40 am

It would be great if there was a option to smooth out certain edges in order to create curved shapes. The two adjacent faces could be considered one curved surface. In 4D also you could have curved cells. The inner geometry would still just be an approximation but the view could look curved and the info on the side could match the intended curved shape describing number of surfaces and curved lines. There could be an option to view the hidden geometry to show the actual lines plotted in a dashed form. Sketchup employs this technique.

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Re: Curved Shapes

Post by robertw » Sun Feb 17, 2019 8:50 am

Stella probably won't ever really handle curved surfaces well, although maybe it could have a way to smooth a polyhedron by creating more geometry. Another one for the todo list.

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